Catherine Will
EDTE 228A-Section 3

Warm Sun and Too Cool Moon: A study of warm and cool colors

Grade 2

Time: approximately 45 minutes.

Topic: This is a visual art lesson focusing on creating a picture with warm or cool hues along with line and shape.

Rationale: Color surrounds every seeing person everyday of their lives. Color choice is something everyone does when picking clothing, house paint, cars, décor and an endless list of other items. Understanding how color effects mood and how it can be used to communicate, create or effect mood is a powerful tool one can use their entire life.

Standards, Goals and Objectives:
Artistic Perception: Each student will recognize and discuss mood created by warm and cool colors. {VA-Grade 2-1.2}

Creative Expression: The students will demonstrate mulitmedia techniques in a drawing using pencil, oil pastel and tempera paints. {VA-Grade 2-2.2}

The students will create a multimedia painting using warm or cool colors expressively. {VA-Grade 2-2.4}

Aesthetic Valuing: The students will derive meaning from their multimedia and other’s works by comparing responses to works of art. {VA-Grade 2-4.2}

After completing this lesson, students will be able to identify warm hues as yellow, orange and red, cool hues as blue green and violet. {VA-Grade 2-4.4}

Strategy: A combination of teacher directed and student discovery will be used.

Complementary colors / opposite colors: colors on the opposite side of the color wheel.

Warm hues or colors: Colors on the green to blue to violet end of color wheel.

Cool hues or colors: Colors on the red to orange to yellow end of the colors wheel.

Wax resist: A technique using wax as a barrier from paint or dye to produce designs in fabric or paintings.

Put forward the following questions:

What colors would you use to paint a night scene?

What colors would you use to show light?

What are happy colors to you?

What colors make you feel sad or seem sad to you?

What is shape? What do we use to make a shape?

After discussing and reflecting on responses, introduce prints of paintings by Van Gogh where he used warm and cool colors.

Familiarize students with Van Gogh with reference to time period and art style. Talk about his palette and how he used color to create moods. Talk about warm (yellow, orange and red) and cool (green, blue and violet) colors, what they are and how they construct mood.


Pupil Activity Sequence: (1) Students will be given a piece of square white heavy weight drawing paper and a pencil. While paper and pencils are being passed out, students will asked to decide if they would like to make a cool moon picture or a warm sun picture. Students should then put name on the back of the paper. Teacher will lead in the class in drawing a large circle in the middle of their paper, lightly with a pencil. The teacher will demonstrate instruction and examples of type of eyes, months and noses that could be placed inside the circle. Demonstrate features that would convey a mood. The students that chose to be a sun would then be instructed on different types of sun rays that could be placed on the outside of the circle.

(2) Students will then be given a yellow and an orange oil pastel. Teacher will instruct students to go over the pencil drawing they just created. Hint; press hard on pastel to get good coverage.

(3) While students are working with the pastels, teacher will be passing out paper plates will either the warm palette or cool palette tempera paint to each student. Wide painting (1 inch) brushes and paper towels are to passed out also.

(4) After pastel drawing is completed, students will use tempera paints to color their drawings. Instruction and/or demonstration on applying the paints should be done before the students start. Explain that the paint will not cover up the lines they did prior to painting. Discuss "Wax resist" and "Batik" techniques and perhaps their applications in other forms of art. I would suggest for best results, to have students apply the paint colors singularly, letting them blend themselves on the edges. Remind the students of Van Gogh and how his paintings looked, colors are often laid down side by side. The goal is not to "color in side the lines" but to add mood and "temperature" to the drawing.

Closure: Completed paintings will be put in a common area to dry and be viewed. During this time teacher can ask individual students questions about their work, looking for answers containing the vocabulary used in the project. As a class, students are to discuss with teacher how they feel about their work and others work, and how color and line affected the different projects.

Clean up: After completion of their painting, students will throw away their paper plates, dump water cups, wash their brushes and return brushes and pastels to proper containers. Paper towels can be used to clean desks and students of any paint.


Square heavy white drawing paper. (At least 10"x10")


Yellow and orange colored oil pastels

Green, blue, violet, yellow, orange and red tempera paints.

Paper towels

Containers of water

Prints of paintings by Van Gogh

Assessment: Assessment will occur during closure. Teacher will check each student's work on completion of instruction and orally assess students’ knowledge of art verbiage used in project. Teacher will look for appropriate use of warm and cool colors and demonstrated technique of wax resist with the various media used. Teacher will listen closely to student responses for indication of accurate use of vocabulary and comprehension of warm and cool colors. Group assessment will take place while teacher listens to comments of students about their and other’s work.

Sample questions asked by teacher:

How did we make our paintings today? What different things did we have to do? Can we list them in order?

How do the colors you chose make you feel?

Is your painting done in warm or cool colors?

What is a hue?

What other types of art techniques use wax to resist color?

Does your painting effect the viewer’s mood? Was that on purpose?