Devin Barker
Grade Level: 3rd Grade
Time Frame: 1 hour

Primary Color Mixing

TOPIC: Visual arts painting lesson featuring the mixing of primary colors into secondary colors.

RATIONALE: The visual arts promote creativity and thinking, as well as offer aesthetic and perceptual dimensions. Mixing primary colors and then using those colors in a painting helps to foster the processing of sensory information and the ability to create as well as to analyze what has been created. Appreciation of the use of color can last a lifetime as well.

Artistic Perception: Each student will identify the colors that are created by mixing primary color paint combinations.

Creative Expression: Each student will mix together primary color combinations to create secondary colors, all of which will be used in individual paintings.

Aesthetic Valuing: In pairs, the students will identify the primary and secondary colors used in their paintings.

STRATEGY: A combination of direct instruction and guided discovery will be used.

VOCABULARY: Mixing, Primary Colors, Secondary Colors
Mixing---putting two colors together to form a new color
Primary Colors---the fundamental colors, red, blue, and yellow, from which all other colors are derived.
Secondary Colors---the colors purple, green, and orange that are derived from mixing together equal amounts of two primary colors.

INTRODUCTION: I will show and briefly explain a color wheel. Primary colors will be defined. I will point out the primary colors and their positions on the color wheel. The students will point to examples of primary colors in the classroom. Secondary colors will be defined. I will point out the secondary colors and their positions on the color wheel. The students will point to examples of secondary colors in the classroom. The expectations for mixing primary colors will be shared. I will demonstrate how to mix two colors together.

1. Draw three circles (quarter-sized) on paper plate with a pencil - one between each of the dollops of primary colors.

2. Using a plastic knife, transfer some red paint onto the circle between the red and blue paint. Clean knife with paper towel.

3. Using a plastic knife, transfer some blue paint onto the red paint that is now located in the circle and stir together. Clean knife with paper towel.

4. Repeat steps #2 and #3, mixing together yellow and blue.

5. Repeat steps #2 and #3, mixing together red and yellow.

6. Using construction paper, a paintbrush, water (to rinse off the brush), and the colors on the paper plate, create a painting of own choice.

7. Write name at the bottom of the painting.

CLOSURE: In pairs, have the students name the colors in their paintings, distinguishing between primary and secondary colors. The teacher will ask the students to summarize how the secondary colors were derived from primary colors.

EVALUATION: The teacher will visually check for the six different colors on the paper plates. Teacher will observe the paintings while listening to students' summaries of how the secondary colors were derived from primary colors.

Paper plates with a dollop of each primary color arranged in a triangular pattern
Red, blue, and yellow paint
Plastic knives
Paper Towels
Construction paper
Paint brushes

CLEAN-UP: Assigned tables will put finished paintings on the back counter. Throw away paper plates and paper towels. Place paint brushes in the sink and sponge off the table. Wash hands when clean-up is complete.

EXTENSIONS: This lesson can be adapted to be taught in almost any grade. It can be expanded to where tertiary colors are also explored. Students could make their very own color wheels using colored paper that could then be laminated. This lesson can also be utilized in cross-curriculum lessons, such as in social studies. During a unit on Native Americans, color mixing using berries, plants, and other natural resources could be explored. Color mixing experiments could be conducted.