Kelli Pfeffen EDTE 229 B sec. 01 Dr. Cris Guenter

Colors and Mural Painting

Candidate Name: Kelli Pfeffen Lesson Duration: 60 minutes
Lesson Subject: Visual Arts Grade Level: 5th

LESSON TOPIC: Visual arts lesson featuring a group mural that is
constructed by each student soda straw paintings that reflects the
use of shape, color and hue.

RATIONALE: The arts are a joyous multicultural road map to
civilization. The arts can globally motivate a precious rejuvenation of
individualism and community wholeness. Through the use of the
senses personal experiences are manifested. Through interpretation
a mural is created which provokes direct and indirect responses from
the students. The visual arts demonstrates the four components:
artistic perception, creative expression, historical and cultural context
and aesthetic valuing.

Artistic Perception: Each student will identify shape styled by
color and hue techniques once the mural is pieced together.

Creative Expression: Each student will individually design a
variation of color mixtures (hues) once positioned on paper.

Historical and Cultural Context: Through group discussion,
students will explore the various individual color combinations with
respect to the diversities and similarities of cultures.

Aesthetic Valuing: In small groups of four individuals, the
students discuss relationships between shape, color and hue.
Students will give a reason as to how shape, color and hue can be
compared multi-culturally as well as globally.

STRATEGY: Combination of direct instruction and guided discovery.

VOCABULARY: Shape, Color, Hue and Texture


Shape--A two-dimensional area that is open or
closed, free-form or geometric and found in
nature or made by humankind.
Color--Pigment that makes a hue.
Hue--Characteristic of color that gives it a name.
Texture--Surface quality of materials by tactile or

INTRODUCTION: I will introduce the book, EarthDance, by Joanne
Ryder. Before reading the poem to the class I have ready a Gary
Lamb CD entitled,The Weeping Angel, section 6; The Dancing
Nations. The song is softly played as background music while the
poem is read to the class. At the end of the poem I will explain to
the class that together everyone is going to make a mural. Everyone
will participate by creating individual paintings.
I will introduce the following vocabulary words: shape, color, hue,
and texture. I will ask how can a shape be made? What happens if
paint is thick or thin when applied to paper? After students offer
suggestions I will verbally and physically demonstrate the individual
soda and straw painting emphasizing shape, color and hue.

ACTIVITY SEQUENCE: 1) Pass out individual wax paper to be
placed on top of each student's desk top. 2) Helpers will pass out
white paper and one straw to all students. 3) Students are to put
their name on the piece of white paper and turn the paper over to
begin soda straw painting. 4) Place several little pools of variously
colored paint on the paper with a brush. 5) Point the end of the
straw at the pools of paint and blow in the direction the paint is
meant to move. 6) Overlapping of colors creates numerous effects in
mixing (blending) colors. 7) As the painting is drying the student can
clean the area around the individual's space. 8) Once the painting is
dry the student can display the wonderful work of art by placing
tape in the center of the artwork and posting it on the bulletin board
next to another soda straw painting

CLOSURE: After the impressive mural is displayed on the classroom
bulletin board, each student will briefly share with the class a shape
and representation of the color hue. How are we as individuals like a
pool of colored paint? Are there similarities within all of us? How
does this feel culturally? Can each of us as individuals blend and get
along with one another?


EVALUATION: Evaluation will be at the end of the lesson when
the mural is pieced together by individual soda straw paintings. The
teacher will examine each painting to observe that the three
elements of art: shape, color and hue were included. While students
are verbally expressing the mural the teacher will listen for
comments, concerns or questions regarding shape, color and /or hue.
Reflections and connections expressed by the poem shared and the
painting created.


1) White paper
2) Watercolor paint or thin tempera
3) Soda straws
4) Brushes (round or flat tempera brush)
5) Wax paper
6) Paper towels
7) Bucket of water to put dirty paint brushes
8) Masking Tape
9) Space to allow paintings to quickly dry
10) Bulletin board space

CLEAN UP: Allow classroom monitors to check each student's desk
are to make sure it is cleaned up and materials are properly put

EXTENSIONS: This lesson can be adopted to any grade level. It
provides easy access to teaching cross curriculum lessons such as
Social Studies ( and the 7 disciplines ), Literature, Multicultural
Awareness, other disciplines from Fine Arts, to mention a few.