Mike Edmondson
Grade level: sixth
Time frame: 1 hour

TOPIC : Visual arts lesson featuring a self-representative collage that is
constructed with magazine clippings that the student has selected.
Creative Expression: Each student will construct a unique collage
that he or she believes represents his or her "SHAPE" (Spiritual Gifts,
Heart, Abilities, Personality, Experiences).
Aesthetic Valuing: Each student will discuss, in his or her small
group (4 students per group, and 5 min. each) the reasons for adding
each piece to his or her collage. Also, students will write two follow-up
paragraphs during the closure of the lesson.
RATIONALE: The visual arts offer aesthetic, perceptual, creative, and
intellectual dimensions. Constructing a collage enables a student to create and
analyze one's own work in order to give that student, and his/her friends, a
better understanding of one's "SHAPE." Knowledge of the self will help to direct
a student's choices for life, and provide a better realization of one's needs.
STRATEGY: A combination of direct instruction and group process (groups of
four students) will be used.
VOCABULARY: Collage, Unique, "SHAPE"
Collage --1; a technique of composing a work of art by pasting on a
single surface materials not normally associated with each other
(magazine clippings in this case). 2; the product of the above process.
Unique --one of a kind.
"SHAPE" --an acronym that stands for a person's Spiritual Gifts, Heart,
Abilities, Personality, and Experiences.
INTRODUCTION: I will pose the following questions: Has anyone made
a collage before? What have you made it out of? What is a collage? What
might be some reasons for making a collage? Following a discussion about
these questions, I will share the expectations for constructing a collage, and I
will share a model of a collage that I have done in the past. (Note: possibly
list steps for getting started on the board.)
1. There should be four tables set up on which the four sets of materials are
arranged. The teacher should instruct each person in a group to go and
collect one of the needed materials (4 magazines, 2 scissors, 1 glue stick,

and 4 pieces of 12"x15" construction paper per group). Students will return
to their group and spend 25 min. creating collages.
2. Teacher should emphasize that one's collage should represent one's
3. Teacher should remind and allow students 25 min. to create the collage,
and 20 min. for sharing between group members (5 min. each). It may be
wise to have a timer handy during the sharing time; when the bell goes off,
the students know to switch to the next person.
4. If students finish early they may begin cleaning up after themselves.
Usually, students will finish cleaning before their allotted sharing time is up
(20 min.).
CLOSURE: Once students have finished the above activity, select several
students to share one new quality learned about a group member. After this
discussion, give a homework assignment; each student should write one
paragraph about one way to serve each group member in the future, and
another paragraph identifying any changes necessary in one's life due to
this possibly new knowledge of self. Finally, be sure that room is made on
one of the classroom walls in order to allow students to post their collages.
EVALUATION: This will take place in three ways during the closure time.
First, the teacher will visually check that each student had made a
representative collage. Second, the selected volunteers from the closure
time should indicate to the teacher that discussion happened. Lastly, a
check of the homework will indicate if students truly designed their collages
in regard to one's "SHAPE."
MATERIALS: 1. 12"x15" construction paper. 2. About 15 pair of scissors.
3. About 8 glue sticks needed. 4. At least 32 various magazines.
CLEAN-UP: Those students who collected the materials at the beginning
should also return them as soon as their group's sharing time is complete. All
scraps should be thrown in the trash during this time. The other three tasks
include stacking the magazines, collecting scissors, and collecting the glue.
ACTIVITY REFERENCE: I acquired this lesson on November 2 from a friend
named Bill Glad. He was the speaker at our Church retreat that weekend. He is
currently getting his Ph.D. at Fuller Theological Seminary and ministering at La
Canada Presbyterian Church in southern California.