Primary & Secondary Colors
Student Teacher: Mini Valadez
Lesson Subject: Visual Arts
Date: April 6, l997
Grade Level: 1-2
Lesson Duration: 45-60 minutes

TOPIC: Experimenting with Primary Colors to create Secondary Colors

Artistic Perception: Each student will identify the primary and secondary colors and how they relate to each other.

RATIONALE: The visual arts offer the students the opportunity to work on artistic perception through developing skills that can be carried through for the rest of thier lives. With this lesson the students will gain the knowledge of how to create color/s. This is relevant in their lives as they will forever be exposed to color and learning to identify how color is created.

STRATEGY: Combination of direct instruction and guided discovery.

mix: to combine two things (paint)
primary colors: blue, yellow, red
secondary colors: purple, green, orange

INTRODUCTION: What would you do if I said we would be painting, but you only have 3 colors, blue, yellow, and red? Answer any questions and expand on comments that appear to be possible. If no students suggest mixing colors together suggest this in the form of a question. What do they think would happen if two "primary" colors were mixed together. Explain which colors are primary colors and explain the whole sequence of mixing colors to get more colors. Ask what colors it would take to make green,orange, andviolet. In front of the class the teacher will demonstrate one of the steps of painting circles and adding another dots of color to create a secondary color. The teacher will give directions of what is and is not appropriate behavior during the art lesson.

(Adapted from: Chapman, Laura H., "Discover Art", Teacher's Edition. Davis Publications,.Inc. Massachusetts, 1985: 24-25.)

The students will answer questions posed by the teacher regarding those directions. Example: Is it ok if I go over and start painting on my friend's paper?; or Should you be walking around with a paintbrush in your hand?" and of course the consquences question; What will happen if you are not following directions and not focused? By participatingin this whole class discussion each student will know expectations set and what is appropriate behavior.

ACTIVITY:Distribute the supplies to each student (cup of water, some yellow paint and paintbrush). Newspaper will already be covering their workspace, and they will have the butcher paper on their desks save time. Have them put their name of the left side of the paper. (helps establish left to right sequencing). Students will paint three yellow circles on their paper. Next have them wash off, in the water, the brush and then add a dot of red paint to the first yellow circle and brush it around. Discuss with them what has happened. Have them increase the number of dots and brush it around on each of the other circles. Discuss how the number of red dots on the yellow circles creates different colors. Compare and contrast between yellow-orange, orange and red-orange. Place the paintings on a flat surface or hanging line to dry. Some students may need to clean their brushes at this point. Begin with a blank sheet of paper again. Pass out some blue paint. This time have students make large circles with the blue paint. Repeat the process by adding red to these circles. Ask similar questions and continue discussion on what is happening with the different number of dots added to the blue paint. Hang these sheets up and begin the process over again with the red paint.

CLOSURE: Have the students answer questions about what they have learned. Ask them the same question once again. What would you do if I only gave you 3 colors to paint with? Summarize the mixing of colors and the resulting colors.

CLEAN-UP: After laying out or hanging up the last painting, collect the brushes, just a few students at a time. Placing them in a plastic container like a 2 liter bottle with the top cut out keeps them together and decreases the mess. Call students up in small numbers (3-4 ) to to dump their water. Fold paper up and place in trashcan or large bag. When students are helpful and do a good job, give thanks and compliment.

EVALUATION: Teacher will look look for student identification of primary and secondary colors. They will also orally share how the colors relate to each other: i.e., what happened with yellow and blue, red and blue and yellow and red?

MATERIALS:3 sheets of paper per students, tempera paint: red, yellow, blue; newpaper (enough for all students and replacements for paint messes), smocks, water supply, water containers, brushes (1 per child)

IMPORTANT TIP: Highly recommend that this lesson be done when teacher aides or parents are available.