Molly Burandt
Grade Level: 4th-5th grade
Time Frame: 45 minutes

Design Motifs and Eggs
Topic: Visual arts lesson in egg making, by individual students, which are created by color, and motifs of design.

Component Objectives:
Artistic Perception: Each student will create an Easter egg that displays at least one secondary color, one primary color, and one motif of design.

Creative Expression: Each student will design a unique egg usingdifferent colors and motifs of design.

Rationale: The visual arts offer creative expression, aesthetic value, and an appreciation for the arts. Designing the student's Easter eggs, individually , promotes their ability to create, organize, and incorporate art skills ( color mixing, and motifs of design). Connected with that is creative and emotional responses. Application for the use of color mixing, and motif of design will last throughout a student's life.

Strategy: Both guided discovery and direct teaching methods will be employed.

Vocabulary: Primary colors, Secondary colors, Motifs of Design, Line
Primary colors: Red, yellow, blue,
Secondary colors: made by the mixing of two primary colors.
Red and Yellow- Orange
Yellow and Blue- Green
Red and Blue- Purple
Motifs of Design: ways to draw a line (there are seven)
Line: boundary between two shapes or areas, identifiable pathmoving in space; varies in width, direction and length

Introduction: I will ask the following questions: What are the primary colors?, What are the secondary?...and how can we make them? After a discussion, on the overhead projector I will ask them to name a secondary color and tell me what colors to mix to make the color. Then I will try it in a clear dish filled with water, by mixing food coloring in the dish, in order for all the students to be able to see. Next I will ask them: What does motif of design mean? After some discussion about line and the seven motifs of design I will share the expectations for the Easter eggs. With the students assistance I will model how to begin. These three points will be addressed: primary colors, secondary colors, and motifs of design. All students must make one egg.

Pupil Activity Sequence:
1. Cut out egg shape from white construction paper.
2. Color a primary or secondary color part of their egg.
3. Using either a primary or a secondary color, draw a motif of design.
4. Each student will put their name on the back of their egg.
* These procedures may be reversed by some students.

Closure: Once every student has completed at least one egg we will review the concepts and skills I discussed earlier: primary colors, secondary colors, and motifs of design. We will also discuss why these three elements are important to the world, in small groups and then share with the whole class.

Evaluation: Teacher will visually check each egg for at least one motif of design, one primary color, and one secondary color. Teacher will listen to student's responses to the closure questions on an individual and small group level. Student's comments should include comments from the introduction and the importance of lines for building, shapes, etc.

Teacher: food coloring: red, yellow, and blue; 3-4 clear dishes filled 1/4 with water; overhead projector; dry erase marker; wipe off board

Students: red, yellow, and blue crayon for each student; 8 1/2 x 11 white construction paper for each student; scissors for each student

All students will put their scraps into a pile at their small group. Clean-up helpers will throw away scraps. One student from each small group will collect crayons and return them. One assigned student will collect eggs.

Extensions: This lesson can be adapted by making three different size eggs; small, medium, and large. Students can also make an Easter bulletin board with their Easter eggs. This lesson can be adapted for use with either holiday or seasonal figures. Further study with the Psykana Egg patterns and decorating can be explored for a historical and cultural context.